Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring is Here

At last! No more cold, at least I hope... Spring is here and summer is on its way. That's the biggest thing to look forward to- summer break!! No, wait, spring break's closer. So another big thing to look forward to-spring break!! :-)

In the picture caption from the website it said: "Ah...... spring smells wonderful." Adorable isn't it? :-)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Lovely Invention

I have completed my lovely invention..... [You should hear the sarcasm in my voice as I say that, too :-) ] They're called Music Page Turners. I'm pretty sure they haven't been invented yet. Again: pretty sure. They work ok, they just don't really help out a lot. But they look fine and might seem like they help a lot, so I should get an A. I hope...... Here's a picture I took of them:

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Samuel and Easter = Sick

Both my brother and Easter are sick. With different things of course, but I'm keeping my distance from a certain human. :-) Here's a picture of them both watching TV. I know who's the cuter one. Answer: the canine. :-)

The Result of Being Bored:

The following pictures are the result of my having nothing to do this weekend:

I'd already cleaned my room, so I worked on rearranging my bookshelves. It's what it comes down to when you're bored. :-)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy Pi Day

It is 3.14159265358979323846..... day. I'm bored and I have nothing else to blog about, so.....
*stupid, I know, but I'm bored and my only goal today is to aggrevate my brother by not getting off the computer*